What I Eat in a Day: Spring Break Edition

Happy Spring (Break)! How are you enjoying your start to spring? 

I have been enjoying every single day off this week and LOVING IT! From binging my fav retro shows like Bewitched, sewing, chatting with friends, walking Alpha, hanging out at the beach, working out, and just savoring every moment without a looming deadline - it has been so refreshing to not be on Zoom and have some independence. With saying that, I have started to give myself some leniency with food and thought you might want to see what I ate today! 

Included in this little video is a Huntington Beach locals-only spot for fantastic fish tacos. Pretty much the best fish tacos I have ever had. They beat out every taco spot I have tried from L.A. to San Diego. If you’re in the Huntington Beach area, you must try Normita’s! (That is if you haven’t already!)

Do you like fish tacos, or do you prefer a different kind? More of a burrito fan? Drop a line and let me know where to find the type of food that you like!

Since the quarantine started, I have practiced intermittent fasting, veganism, and pescetarianism. The food restrictions mentioned above have lasted as I am still fasting, mostly plant-based but consuming seafood with a more “intuitive” approach where I refuse to feel bad if I eat until I’m full or don’t fast for as long as some other days.

What is your approach to eating?

I hope you enjoyed this video; here is a listing of what I ate that day if the video wasn’t clear!

Food listing:

Warm water with freshly squeeze lemon juice - Trader Joe’s
Green cold-pressed juice - Trader Joe’s
Roots 1 cold-pressed juice - Pressed Juicery 

Avocado Toast with heirloom tomatoes and microgreens on Dave’s Sprouted Whole Grain Killer Bread - Trader Joe’s / Target

Chlorophyll Aloe Lemon water - Sol-ti Target
Fish taco plates - Normita’s 815 Indianapolis Ave, Huntington Beach, CA 92648

See you at Normita’s sometime soon,
