Customize Your Next Birthday Invite with!

Do you love your business card or does it need some editing? When was the last time you updated your business card? How about stationary? Do you have an upcoming birthday that is deserving of an announcement or personal invitation? Quarantine birthdays are the perfect occasion to cordially invite loved ones to a virtual party or intimate soiree! Just because we’re safer at home, doesn’t mean that we can’t celebrate in style! 

I personally was in desperate need of new business cards, not only were mine very specific to my days as a full time hairstylist, but my phone number wasn’t even correct! In a whirlwind moment at a networking event a few months ago, I had to pencil out information when handing out a business card! It was in that very moment that I knew my card needed to step it up, especially since this is a definite no-no; talk about AWKWARD!  As a hairstylist turned fashion designer slash blogger hyphen digital content creator, it is difficult to sum up what the possibilities are on a card. Thankfully the elegant and versatile template options on have an array of styles, colours, typography, and design elements that are completely customizable and able to express the versatility of the subject in a refined manner.

Celebrating my 2020 graduation announcement with!

Celebrating my 2020 graduation announcement with!

 Whatever your personal or professional style is, will have something that speaks to your aesthetic. You will feel confident that the caliber of services you provide, and really who you are as a person are evident with just a glance of a card! I really enjoyed navigating Basic Invite’s user friendly website environment and uploading my flat illustration design by Mia Suresh onto a business card. I now feel that my business card will stand the test of time -- or at least until I change my telephone number next! You will feel the same way when you test out your next design on! Their preview options give you the exact replica of what you will expect to arrive in the mail. Here’s my preview of said business card with the digital illustration by Mia Suresh

Basic Invite is also one of the few websites that allows customers to order a printed sample of their actual invitation before they place their final order. You can see the paper quality and how it will print in real life and make sure that your card is absolutely perfect! Follow Basic Invite online and get inspired with all of the unique products that they offer:





Create your Quarantine Birthday Invitation or brand new business card with Basic Invite now as they are offering 15% off with coupon code: 15FF51


birthday invitation cards

surprise 60th birthday party invitations

As a disclaimer: This is a paid partnership with Basic Invite. A commission was made for this website through this post.