Spotify Wrapped 2019

What discoveries did you make about yourself this year? Was it something huge like your life direction, or career? Or something small like a new favourite genre of music? Did your Spotify Wrapped reveal anything surprising? What about your friends, family, or colleagues?

The Spotify Wrapped widget is so entertaining, especially when sharing the analytics with loved ones. Yesterday, one of my best friends and I were showing each other our Christmas scores and Spotify revelations. It was such a joyful experience that I thought I just had to share it with you!

The surprising thing that I learned through Spotify Wrapped is that Pop and its sub genres such as Indie Pop are on my top rotation. I honestly thought it was going to be alternative hip hop, rock, or indie rock. I guess all of those marathon all-nighters for class really required the upbeat pop tempo to get things moving. Countless evenings spent perfecting projects created some cool musical realizations!

Here are some snapshots from my Spotify Wrapped 2019:

Do you listen to any of these artists? Who is your fav? what’s up with your tunes?

(Also I’m low key upset that Rex Orange County wasn’t my top artist of 2019, I listened to him so much this year that I was high key shocked that he wasn’t included. I guess next year I’m going to make sure there is a limited amount of off-line listening to get an even better picture.)